How to reduce your mental load

How to reduce your mental load

By: Iria Marañón

208 pages

Did you know that 95% of women, compared to 68% of men, take care of their children? Or that 84% of women, compared to 42% of men, do the household chores?

Mental workload is made up of plans, to-do lists, remembering details, deadlines, appointments, and all the invisible work that we constantly do to organize our lives and the lives of those we take care of. Usually we are not aware of the amount of mental load we carry with us every day.

Our mental load may increase in many ways, but there are people who must endure a significantly higher amount than others. It has been demonstrated that women with family obligations suffer from much more mental load than men.

Iria Marañon, author of Educar en el femenismo [Educating in Feminism], shows us what this extra workload is made of and gives advice and recommendations on how to get rid of it.


Iria Marañón

About Iria Marañón

Iria Marañón (Madrid, 1976) studied Spanish philology and editing. She has worked as an acquisitions editor, proof-reader and art book editor. She is now a product developer at a multinational education company. She is also the creator and author of Comecuentos Makers, an awareness-raising feminist blog where she shares ideas for empowering girls and teaching equality to boys. The idea is for kids to learn to think for themselves and develop an artistic sensibility, creative thinking and an adventurous spirit.

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