Enlighten with feminism

Enlighten with feminism

By: Iria Marañón

267 pages

Rights sold to: Italy and South Korea

Did you know that from the age of six, girls start to feel less intelligent than boys? Or that men underestimate the capacities of their female classmates at university? Stereotypes are at fault. Games and cultural references train girls and boys how to behave, express themselves and relate with others. Pink, dolls, toy kitchens and princesses. Blue, pirate ships, football and superheroes. Think of these two scenarios and their perverse consequences: girls should be submissive, calm and obedient; and boys shouldn't cry or be sensitive, they must be strong and brave. Wouldn't it be better for our kids to be free to feel, express themselves and act? Don't we want them to be respectful, good negotiators and have healthy loving experiences? We need to build equality to destroy sexism. Our kids must be powerful, fair, caring and happy. For this to happen, we need to enlighten with feminism.


Iria Marañón

About Iria Marañón

Iria Marañón (Madrid, 1976) studied Spanish philology and editing. She has worked as an acquisitions editor, proof-reader and art book editor. She is now a product developer at a multinational education company. She is also the creator and author of Comecuentos Makers, an awareness-raising feminist blog where she shares ideas for empowering girls and teaching equality to boys. The idea is for kids to learn to think for themselves and develop an artistic sensibility, creative thinking and an adventurous spirit.

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