People First

People First

By: Xavier Escales

144 pages

Because everything begins with a person (the employee) and ends with someone else (the client), Asics Spain, the successful multinational Japanese sportswear company, increased its billing by a factor of fifteen in ten years, rose from eighteenth to the third position in a highly-competitive market, and became a leading business of reference in the commercialization of running shoes. How did Asics Spain do it? People First is both proof of the extent to which a shared vision, collaborative work and, especially, the commitment between the organization and people can make a difference, and also an example of why the most profitable investment you can make is in people.



Xavier Escales

About Xavier Escales

Xavier Escales is the Country Manager of ASICS for Spain and Portugal business where he has been working for more than a decade. A graduate in business administration and direction for ESADE and the UOC, he has completed various programs at prestigious universities most notably IESE and IE in Spain and Columbia University in the United States. Previously he developed his professional career in other multinational companies in various sectors like Panasonic, LifeFitness and Accor hotels always in the areas of Marketing and Sales. 

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