What science says about dieting, food and health

What science says about dieting, food and health

Lo que dice la ciencia sobre dietas, alimentación y salud

By: Luis Jiménez

442 pages

The volume of information available on nutrition is growing just as fast as interest in eating well. Every day, hundreds of studies on the relationship between diet and health are published and an ever-growing number of people want to know what science has to say. What is a healthy diet? What is a balanced diet? Are diets low in carbohydrates bad for you? This book breaks the mould by addressing multiple controversial topics. You will find the most recent studies’ answers to more than 75 fundamental questions about food and health in this book, including the most controversial ones. At last, learn the truth behind popular myths and assumptions about nutrition. Get ready, because you’re going to have to rethink a lot of your old ideas…


Luis Jiménez

About Luis Jiménez

Luis Jiménez (Bilbao, 1968) holds a degree in chemistry and works in business consulting. In addition to authoring his internationally-famous blog on science, nutrition and health, Lo que dice la ciencia para adelgazar (What Science Says About Losing Weight).

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