Time for Bed, Everyone

Time for Bed, Everyone

By: Álvaro Bilbao

272 pages

When getting their kids to sleep, between 55 and 75 percent of parents do not follow the Estivill method or practice co-sleeping because they do not feel comfortable with either of the two approaches. In this book, Álvaro Bilbao proposes a method to help these parents get their babies fall asleep, bearing in mind both brain development and the needs of the baby as well as the parents' needs to rest and plan.


Álvaro Bilbao

About Álvaro Bilbao

Álvaro Bilbao is a Doctor in Pyschology and Clinical Neuropsychology. He trained at the Royal Hospital for Neurodisability in the UK and the John Hopkins Hospital in the US. He works with the WHO on projects connected with cognitive disabilities. Since the year 2001 he has been a part of the Spanish National Brain Damage Treatment Centre. Thanks to his work there, he was selected as a member of the expert committee of the Spanish Brain Damage Ferderation and Madrid's Interaction Institute. He won the 2010 Premio Caser for excellence in attention to people with disabilities. http://alvarobilbaoneuropsicologo.blogspot.com.es/


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