The Enneagram of Mulla Nasrudin

The Enneagram of Mulla Nasrudin

Accepting ego to transform consciousness

By: David Barba


personal development

A different Enneagram guide, which presents Enneagram as it really is, with no additives, no chatter, no false theories, not speculation... To know ourselves we only need three ingredients: a good map, a searching spirit and sense of humour. There is no better map of consciousness that the Enneagram: sometimes it has been described as a typology of personality, but it's actually a door to deeper consciousness. The searching spirti depends on the heroism of the reader, while thesense of humor runs in the pages of this work by the Mulla Nasrudin, the wise fool of Sufi tradition, with tales of wisdom he reveals our character defects. The Enneagram of Mullah Nasruddin reconstitutes the original map of this system from the teachings of Claudio Naranjo, it draws a truthful history of the Enneagram since its inception, and is an antidote against the "sugary Enneagram” that tainted by positive psychology and new age, which has tried to disable the transformative potential of seeing oneself unadorned. No one is a number or a label. But if you know that part of you that makes you act like an automaton, you will be able to "hold the dog on the leash" rather than be led by him. This book will help you to achieve it.


David Barba

About David Barba

Writer, editor and cultural programmer, David Barba has worked as a journalist in different media like the supplement "Cultura / s" of La Vanguardia, "El Dominical" of the Periodico de Catalunya, Etiqueta Negra and Playboy. He is literary director of Getafe Negro, Crime Novel Festival of Madrid/Festival de Novela Policiaca de Madrid, and directs Editions La Llave, a publishing house specialized in education, Gestalt and Tibetan Buddhism. He teaches cultural journalism, created the subject Theory and Practice of Meditation, which taught until 2012. It has also been formed in Gestalt therapy, body therapy and art therapy and followed the prestigious SAT Program of Dr. Claudio Naranjo, who taught him enneagram.

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