Teaching how to bond

Teaching how to bond

By: Rafa Guerrero

352 pages

Our society is characterised by speed and demands that leave us with little time to enjoy being with our children. We spend less time with them than we would like. The world we live in is increasingly more connected technologically speaking, but there are fewer emotional and social connections.

Scientific studies have shown the need to have quality time in order to develop bonds of security in our children and encourage their autonomy, empathy and self-esteem. Humans overcome the dependence of the early years of life when they are treated well by their attachment figures during childhood and adolescence.

In this book you will find clear and practical explanations of the importance of bonding and connecting with our children, and also about the deep development of the various attachment styles, how to differentiate between a need and a desire, and the characteristics that parents should have in order to act as secure attachment figures. Here we learn how the bonds that we establish with our children are all influenced by sleep, food and nutrition, playing and an abuse of electronic devices.

Rafa Guerrero, a psychologist with a doctorate in Education, offers a simple and practical explanation of the keys for promoting secure relationships with our children in order to help them achieve a high level of self-esteem, develop a capacity to resolve conflicts and learn how to be empathic and resilient.



Rafa Guerrero

About Rafa Guerrero

Rafa Guerrero is a psychologist with a PhD in Education and the father of two children. He teaches at several universities, including the Complutense University in Madrid, Rey Juan Carlos University and the Cardenal Cisneros University Centre. He lectures on emotional intelligence and bonds on several master’s programmes in Spain. He is an expert in Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). He is also an expert in attachment, emotional education and healthy bonds, and he is the director of the Darwin Psychology Centre in Madrid.

He has authored several books on emotional education, attachment and ADHD. He is a member of the Spanish Society for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy (SEMPP) and the Institute for the Development and Application of EMDR Therapy (IDAE).

He is a regular contributor to El País, ABC, Gestionando Hijos, Educación 3.0 and La Mente es Maravillosa, and other media. He has been a speaker at congresses in Spain and abroad. He also works as a trainer of teachers and parents at various schools and educational centres in Spain.



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